Are you the only one?
Today, i came to undestand
For the first time
The parable of the 10 blinds
All came to The Lord
Asking to recover sight
And asked to go to the waters
And cleanse their eyes
Merely one came back to thank Him
And yet they all recovered sight
And Just one came back
Saw and followed Him
Are you the only one?
We all dwell
Like the 9 blind ones
Far From the Lord
And even with open eyes
Seeing His evidence
We ignore Him
And those who do not
Can only prosternate
And adore
For they do not seek sight
They seek the Lord
“10 has another significance …. it refers to the five sense organs, the coordinator – mind, the discerner – intellect , the identifier – ego, and the observer or witness chit and purusa ( soul and consciousness) …amazing grace ….. i was blind and now can see
My interpretation of your parable then is ….. most people want to see God with all their senses. of all the 10 senses only one can ‘see’ ….. soul. So faith has to be soul deep ….” -Deep Chirag
What a beautiful interpretation. It would be worth to develop each of the ten ones. And it would soon become the ten chapters of an awesome book, which i hope you will write.
My humble namaan.