long ago as a child i wondered about the meaning of faith asking our neigbour a girl a few years older she answered it is like believing in miracles - like what? like diving into a swimming pool without water and come out unharmed! the next week the swimming pool was empty and a little voice said you have no faith! and i dived into the empty pool banged on my head all blood And yet i came out unharmed faith is different i thought it has nothing to do with miracles My head was stiched It hurted for many more years When my daddy asked Why did you dive? I simply said Because of faith The begin of a long quest... The little voice did not come from God, of course He does not asks us to jump into empty pools but He surely protected me, who jumped out of love Morality Be careful with what or whom you believe Faith has nothing to do with jumping into empty pools and is not only about miracles You raise me up to all that i can be